I arrived at the freedom trail head at 9:30 am. There were 2 trucks and a Honda accord in the parking area. The weather was sunny and as good as it gets at @ 70 degrees and no wind. I could not see any cars at the Bowen ranch. I had intended to drive to the Bowen ranch to check out the on going project there. BUT, tupid me am a creature of habit and followed the power line route. duh !
When I got to the beach it was totally empty of people. The water height was about 2 inches below the Arizona pool. At the crossing it was almost up to my belly button. But only for about 3 steeps then up to just bellow your knees for about 20 feet. Then you are to the rocks and out. The temperature of the creek was very cold. I would guess at about the mid 50's. After getting into the Arizona pool the owners of the Honda in the parking lot joined me. They were two very cool dudes who were very entertaining. They helped make for a very good time for being at my favorite hot springs.I could tell the Arizona pool had been washed completely out by the rain water surge. There was very little sand there. It had it's blueish green color back and was very pretty to see. I wish I could post my picture here.
As the day progressed the what I call day trippers came down the trails. About half came from the Bradford ridge trail and the others from the Bowen ranch or Freedom trail. Only about 40-50 persons all day. Everyone I saw had a smile on their face. The only trash I found was where some one had camped out and put their trash in a bag and left it there for me to haul out. Merry Christmas to them.
I left the springs at 3:00 pm. As I passed the Bowen ranch There were 2 guys inspecting the two water tanks there. One was very large. I had to drive off road to allow a back hoe which was digging the road to make it better. I was glad to help by getting out of that guys way. The road from there to Bowen ranch road was the best ever. A great big thank you to those guys.