Went through Bradford on Wednesday in the rain. Still snow on the trail but the 173 has mostly thawed from the rain. Theres a fallen tree blocking some of the road by the shooting range but easily passable. Two cars at the trailhead when we arrived. Got to the springs around 10am. Two tents, one belonging to a swiss fellow who came in from bradford and one to a group of skaters who hiked pct in from mojave forks dam. Springs were free of garbage! No piles at the sign and only a couple empty plastic bottles around BUT there was human feces near the anniversary pool and what appeared to be burned feces on the wall of the anniversary pool near the waterfall. There was a baby diaper on the pct near springs too.
Anyway despite the poop problem it was a nice day, 50/50 nude textile. Nobody came down from apple valley side even tho the creek was crossable(tho cold!) probably 10 people at the springs the whole day.