Got into Bowen at about 11. Plenty of cars already, but I only passed one group (clothed) on the trail down. Once down at the springs, the first thing I saw was 4 tied-up horses. Cool way to get around on the trails, I imagine, but I hope the horses weren’t too thirsty.
When I arrived there were just over a dozen or so people at the springs - only 2 topless/nude, the rest clothed. I didn’t waste much time in getting naked in the only unoccupied pool. They all looked great by the way - congrats to the cleaners and cleaning advice-givers who made them look great.
Around 12:30 or so a MASSIVE group of people showed up. Probably 30 people, mostly women. They’d come from a yoga retreat in Joshua Tree, as my new Irish friend D. told me. It may not surprise you that a group of 30 people seeking spiritual connection to nature has its share of nudists. Still, I had a good time talking to naked and textiles alike. Also met a French biker doing the PCT alone.
On the hike back I only encountered 3 groups, which was low considering it’s a holiday weekend.
Overall, one of my favorite trips to the springs. If it’s crowded, I’m okay with it as long as people have the right attitude. There was a big understanding among all parties that nature was to be respected and clothing really was optional. And the springs were just as beautiful as the new friends I made.