Clothing optional recreation at DCHS and in the surrounding area of the San Bernardino Forest has been accepted and allowed. You can look at the SBNF website and it discusses an exception of not being within one quarter mile of the T-6 crossing. I have not heard of any changes on this. DCHS is being visited by a lot more people and some of them do not know about the clothing optional rules for the SBNF, and depending on their mindset may think you are doing something illegal. You could call the Fawnskin Discovery Center up at Big Bear Lake and inquire about the current status of the clothing optional rules for the SBNF. Over the course of many years I have on occasion encountered different persons who have been adverse to seeing or being around nudity at the springs and surrounding areas. A couple of times individuals threatened me. The rules on this for the BLM lands are different so you would have to check with them. The other agencies besides the USFS may or may not agree with the USFS on this issue as I found out many years ago from another experience. Its safer to go with some friends if you can.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2018 08:18PM by Wizard.