This is what actually occurred regarding this tree next to the Contemplation Pool. When this pool was being constructed, the people doing the work were clearing the dirt bank to expose the granite below, and in the process they ended up compromising the trees roots grip on the granite on its west side nearest the pool. They cut off some of the roots on that side too. Then some time later a strong wind storm came along, pushing on the tree and it tipped over because of its weakened hold on the rocks. The tree was quite large and tall back then. The roots at the stump peeled off the granite and were sticking straight up in the air. I thought the tree would probably die at that point, but some other volunteers did what I think was the only thing that could actually save the tree. They trimmed of the large upper branches, then tipped the tree back upright, put in the big branch for support as seen in the pic in your link, and they placed rocks and dirt to hold down the roots on the trees weakened side. Another volunteer ran a hose from the Contemplation Pools source waters underground to a point where it would continuously dribble water near the trees base roots to help it in its revival. Since these things were done the tree is once again growing well with lots of new branches growing. I think that large branch supporting it will have to remain in place, since the tree will always have a weak hold on the compromised west side. Recently I noticed that someone has planted some sunflowers in the moist area around the trees base