First Paul, its a long complicated path of events that have occurred at the Bowen Ranch and surrounding area. Much of what is discussed exist in a very large grey area in regards to provability. Thats just the nature of the situation up there. What I have written here at this forum has " not " been bickering and back stabbing. I have been discussing serious issues in an effort to understand more clearly the truth that exist regarding these subjects. Shall we all bury our head in the sand, click our heels together and wish we were all back in Kansas again. As much as I love fantasy that is not the course that should be taken here. People naturaly feel a need to discuss things when they encounter troubles. This notion you suggest that the springs will be closed " because " people are talking about pertinent issues related to troubles at and around DCHS is misguided. The fact is, " only " actual negative acts will be a threat to the well being of the springs. Things like excessive trash, cut down vegetation, too many people down there, violent acts of aggression or vandalism at the springs and in its surrounding areas. These are the concrete things that might affect whether the springs remain open. The people causing these problems are the ones who need to be addressed. People who have been negatively affected by these various problems will continue to discuss thier feelings, and that will not change. You are obviously welcome to join the discussion, as you have done.