Sycamore, I am looking at what you have written and I notice you write this " could " have come from anywhere, but the car count in the lot " suggest " it was not from there. Could and suggest are the words I am looking at. These words indicate that you are not clear on where these people came from. So I would " suggest ", don't speak as if you know something, when you really don't. Unless of course, you qualify it as an opinion :-) I have never stated that the people who do " bad " things, never come in from other routes than the Bowen Ranch, that would be foolish. Have I stated this somewhere here on the forum? I think not. As you state, the people who do " bad " things at the springs, are the ones, we need to address, no matter what way they came in. The bottom line is, these people alone, are responsible for the bad things they do, and no one else. Also Sycamore, in " describing " that the vast majority of " bad " people go through the Bowen Ranch, I do no dis-service to those folks who are well meaning and responsible. So I can also say this, the majority of people who pass through the Bowen ranch are not the " Bad " people I speak of. Its just a matter of percentages :-) DCR understands my point, it is basic and simple. Anyone who is deluding themselves to the point, that they don't realize, that the " main " negative element for the springs is coming through the Bowen Ranch, is not aware of the true nature of the composition and distribution of visitation to the springs.