The trash has the Mrs and I planning day trip back for clean up. It was not overwhelming but it was ubiquitous.
Nothing to do with DCHS, but it's the first time I witnessed someone blatantly throwing away trash. We were in S. Tahoe. I pulled up behind a sedan on a red light. There was a man crossing the road carrying his dog with someone else and behind them a group of teenagers. The driver pulled down the window. He threw out what looked like a valet tag, then cigarette butts and juice from a metal container, or tea, whatever it was. I could not believe he had the nerve to do that. Didn't need to do much though to intervene, as the man carrying the dog ran up to his car and started yelling at him, picked up the tag and said "excuse me while I pick up your trash, idiot". There was a further escalation and the group of teens started yelling "keep Tahoe blue or get the hell out". When the light turned green, I was curious about the demographics of the occupants, so I sped up and caught up on the next light. Driver in mid 70s to early 80s. Passenger, about the same. They were dressed like they just came from Sunday mass, inclusive of a fashionable hat. Vehicle, late model BMW 7 series. California license plate.
On a side note, we were heading to try some beer. If you're ever in that area and enjoy German or Austrian beer, recommend giving these guys a try ideally during daylight hours as local youth overtakes the place in the evenings with live bands and it gets crowded: http://himmelhaustahoe.com/
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2014 04:07PM by mojave.