Hello. My wife and I will be in California the end of June and are interested in checking out Deep Creek for the first time. We have met some great friends up at Angel Falls and they recommended looking into the Springs. We are not necessarily nudists, but are very free-spirited and love to work on our All over tans. As an advanced photographer, I love to photograph my wife in waterfalls and rocks, etc. I am cautious and respectful if others are around and I always make sure I don't catch anyone else in my shots unless they don't mind.
I hope we can meet our current friends there, but also make some new ones to hang out with in the Springs.
thanks !
Scott & Shoe
Facebook - /topher.Kline (https://www.f*a*c*e*b*o*o*k.com/topher.Kline) (remove asterisks)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2014 04:37PM by srvivr21.