I plan on driving to the hot springs this sunday from Flagstaff, AZ on my way back to the Five Cities (805).
I have a 4wd Toyotta 4runner and plan on staying at the "H" camp or mysterious road 3N39 off of the willow creek jeep trail.
Does anybody know about this road, the regulations, and difficulty? My 4runner and I have tackled many gnarly roads in Sedona, and I feel comfortable with a little rock crawlin.
Edit: With more research I have found the name of that road, Holocomb creek. It is not recommended to anyone without lockers on all 4 wheels. Looks like I'll pass this time, and use other roads with less menacing rock gardens
I also plan on spending at least 2 hours or so hauling out trash, if there is a need! I have been to sykes hot springs and was disgusted at the amount of trash near the springs, even with a 14 mile out hike through wilderness!
Also, how is the fishing near the springs?
I look forward to meeting some of you in person, and appreciate your help! Also, I would not mind some company if anyone wants to fish, have a couple beers, soak and pick up trash.

Edit: I realize now that I might have displayed some lesser known secrets, so I have edited my post for discretion. I am not going to this magical place to trash it or spoil its secrets; I am just an old man in a young adults body, trying to heal/sooth my broken body!
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2014 08:54AM by troutslayermax.