So many awesome hot springs traveling songs,. Tanjja- we share one song, Grand Funk of Course- the best steering wheel drumming song ever:
Starting the drive up I-15:
God's Mistake (Tears for Fears)
Raoul and the King of Spain (Tears for Fears)
Working Hour (Tears for Frears)
Hearts All Gone (Blink-182)
Nashville Skyline (Dishwalla)
Counting Blue Cars (Dishwalla)
Main Street Hesperia:
Come Undone (Duran Duran)
Ordinary World (Duran Duran)
Halo Effect (Rush)
Red Barcheta (Rush)
Camera Eye (Rush)
Rock Springs Road:
Ice On the Dune (Empire of The Sun)
Alive(Empire of the Sun)
I used to Be A King (Graham Nash)
Immigration Man (Graham Nash)
Roundup Road:
Ocean Breeze (Pablo Cruise)
Love Devotion and Surrender (Santana)
Dig (Incubus)
White Bird (It's A Beautiful Day)
Bowen Ranch Road (going to the springs):
In God's Country (U2)
Ridgetop (Jesse Colin Young)
3rd Stone From the Sun (Jmi Hendrix)
Bowen Ranch Road (leaving the springs):
Kim and Jessie (M83)
Crystal Ball (Keane)
Going home down the I-15:
Control (Mute Math)
Chaos (Mute Math)
Plan B (Mute Math)
Take Me Home (Phil Collins long version)
Closer to My Home (Grand Funk)