It was a gorgeous day to be hiking. Made it to Freedom Trail in my boyfriend's Highlander 2WD with only a few heart stopping moments. Somebody seriously need to grade some precarious areas...Two gentlemen were right behind us on the hike down around 1230. One of them carried a blue pail, was that you Jobe? The sun was out and there was a cool breeze during the hike down. It was a first time for my bff from the Philippines. My brother and I are now "old timers," at this. The creek was freezing cold. It did not reach up my knees when we crossed. There were a nice mix of nudists and textiled folks. And just as many dogs. My friend was ecstatic, she got to soak in The Womb (her favorite) and spent some time in Serenity. She also made friends with the many dogs that investigated our meal of rice and fried squid, haha. Unfortunately, towards the end of our day trip, one of the larger black dogs grabbed a tiny little tan Pomeranian by the neck and threw her into the ground next to Arizona. I rushed with my towel to help staunch the bleeding as other people were hovered over her trying to figure out what's wrong. My heart went out to Corazon and her group as they frantically left the hot springs hoping to take their dog to an animal hospital. That incident dampened our spirits a bit. We packed up quickly and left around 4 pm. The sun was setting,and quickly I might add. It got cold fast as the sun disappeared in the horizon. But man, were we blessed with an amazing sunset on top of Freedom Trail (I'd post a pic if I knew how to do it here). See you all the the hot springs!
Much Love,
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2014 12:47PM by calidev.