I noticed some pretty severe itching on my mid-thigh Saturday night (arrived Thursday night) on my lower legs just above my knee and down. I didn't experience any pain or biting sensations, didn't contact poison oak but I did sit in the Womb for a long time Friday and Saturday. I've never had bed bugs or any sort of infestation like that, but I have had poison oak and it's definitely not that. The itching was pretty severe (bad enough to wake me up) but it's gotten a lot better.
My question is, what exactly are the symptoms of the "womb rash"? I obviously had my lower legs in it the most, and I do seem to have some little red spots on my torso too. They haven't bled, and I never got a stinging or painful sensation the whole time.
Anyone know what the cause it?
An experienced deep creek-er and backpacker told me that it looked like it could be the womb rash (apparently the temp is just right for some pathogen to cause symptoms. I think she said it was a type of hair follicle dermatitis...)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2013 08:08AM by bizarroclown.