By the way, here's my recipe for fighting the flu. Rather simple but it comes back to soaking in a hot water source in 30 minute intervals throughout the day, in this case the best I have is my hot tub in lieu of the springs, followed by 10 minutes in the sauna shed, followed by a warm to cool shower, then sleep two hours ... and repeat. Before soaking, I apply menthol under my nose for congestion zapping. The flu is a virus. Antibiotics do not work against viruses, only bacteria. Heat does. This is why you get a fever. Your body is trying to fight the virus by driving it out using heat. By soaking, you are helping your body elevate the temperature and keep it at a constant high threshold. Hence, if you have the flu, best thing to do is hit the hot springs, or equivalent. Just don't infect everyone else and know your body's limits.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/08/2013 03:19PM by mohave.