Sounds like another trip report from hell. Thanks for reporting this. I am glad I stayed home today.
I remember when I was a tiny little boy and my grandmother used to talk about how morals and the rule of law was going to heck in a handbasket. My grandmother never cussed and she would hold her hand over her mouth when she said heck. It appears these young people of today have made her a prophet. Granny thought the Beatles music was evil. I thought they were musical geniuses who spoke to my heart.
It all just goes to show how when our lawmakers make laws with no teeth and do not enforce said laws. Then youngsters learn about it they rebel. Knowing they will get a slap on the wrist and another chance. What those a??holes need is a good spanking and very long time outs.
I see no other solution ! There is another solution it is called a citizens arrest. That takes a lot of preparation and nerve, however. And given the San Bernardino's sheriff's department history, I would be afraid to depend on them to do their job. So it could be said they are the reason for your bad day.
I alway remind people to expect anything when going to the springs. ANYTHING !
Thanks again and have a nice tomorrow.