Well, Jobe, a bit late now, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Glad you were able to enjoy it at DCHS in your birthday suit!
As for the guy picking up the snake...you can't fix stupid! I hope he recovers well, and I hope the story prevents someone from doing the same another day. Snakes will normally mind their own business if left alone. The cost of the helicopter was probably pretty high, too, although they will probably not bill the guy for that. (The law allows for that, but it's not normally exercised, unless blatant stupidity is involved.)
I saw a decent-sized rattler upstream from the beach on the springs side on Saturday afternoon. Coiling and buzzing, the snake expressed the opinion that I should take a different trail. I concurred. Both the snake and I went on to enjoy our afternoons, helicopters not required. How easy was that?
Have a great NUDE day!