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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (73% of Full)


Trip review 4-11-13

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April 16, 2013 07:11AM
Since there has been a lack of reports I thought I would give one from my last visit. Last Thursday, arrived at the ranch at about 1145 and maybe 10 cars were parked there. Hiked down and passed 1 person leaving. The weather was nice, high 70's and a mild breeze. Maybe 30 people at the springs and most were wearing their suits. I was free all day and had a nice time soaking and drinking a Fosters. The crowd was mostly male, so a larger female presence was the only thing the day lacked, but it was a nice relaxing day. Comparing this visit on a Thursday from my last visit which was on Saturday March 30, I do prefer the lesser crowds that the weekdays offer. Set my personal record hiking out to the ranch parking lot in 40 min. Only the second time I have timed myself, but it is sort of makes the hike out fun to pass the people that are huffing and puffing and out of shape.I do enjoy some of the lookes from the haggared, tired, worn out people catching their breaths while this naked guy goes rolling by flapping in the breeze.

Trip review 4-11-13

juliankaye2799April 16, 2013 07:11AM

Re: Trip review 4-11-13

mohave1442April 16, 2013 07:34PM

Re: Trip review 4-11-13

juliankaye1285April 17, 2013 06:23AM

Re: Trip review 4-11-13

speakeasy1295April 17, 2013 02:24PM

Re: Trip review 4-11-13

juliankaye1146April 17, 2013 06:30PM

Re: Trip review 4-11-13

Paul P.1263April 17, 2013 08:29PM

Re: Trip review 4-11-13

DLM1162April 18, 2013 08:22AM

Re: Trip review 4-11-13

neogeo1192April 18, 2013 11:00AM

Re: Trip review 4-11-13

Wizard1195April 18, 2013 10:09PM

Re: Trip review 4-11-13

neogeo1194April 18, 2013 10:53PM

Re: Trip review 4-11-13

juliankaye1787April 20, 2013 06:55AM

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