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April 20, 2012 04:55PM
We all have our poison oak remedies. Yes, the Sarna works fairly well (for me, it only worked so-so). Prednazone takes about a day or two but definitely does the job.

But the best of the best -- for me, and I used to get tons of it spilling off my mountain bike in the Santa Cruz mountains (I had it so bad a few times that droplets of the oils would literally drip from my skin to the sink!), is HOT, HOT water. I see that Wizard also finds that to work, and I am with him. But for me, the water has to be SO hot it is almost scalding. Simply as hot as you can stand, without actually burning your skin. This method feels amazing (better than scratching the horrible itch) and yet dries the blisters. Most doctors and others recommend AGAINST hot water, because it can spread the oils. This is true. But if you use nearly scalding hot water, and make sure you run all the oils off (I use the hotest water from my bath faucet, even turning up my water heater to do the trick), it will dry the stuff out almost immediately. It will come back a while later, but with several treatments my poison oak problems used to be solved. (Haven't had it in about ten years now, because I watch carefuly for the stuff). That is, several treatments may be necessary but believe me, they feel great as you are doing them.

Poison Oak warning

lbcalrr3050April 19, 2012 01:09AM

Re: Poison Oak warning

DCHS Jaunter1349April 19, 2012 08:02AM

Re: Poison Oak warning

Rick1153April 19, 2012 12:32PM

Re: Poison Oak warning

Mr_Wayne1210April 19, 2012 08:05AM

Re: Poison Oak warning

Paul P.1099April 19, 2012 12:07PM

Re: Poison Oak warning

Rick1104April 19, 2012 12:30PM

Re: Poison Oak warning

Wizard1284April 19, 2012 11:20PM

Re: Poison Oak warning

Mr_Wayne1084April 20, 2012 05:25AM

Re: Poison Oak warning

mellowguy1111April 20, 2012 04:55PM

Re: Poison Oak warning

Sam Hobbs1858July 03, 2012 10:41AM

Re: Poison Oak warning

lbcalrr1070April 21, 2012 09:01AM

Re: Poison Oak warning

mellowguy1185April 21, 2012 07:14PM

Re: Poison Oak warning

Rick1134April 22, 2012 12:43AM

Re: Poison Oak warning

neogeo1151April 21, 2012 07:16PM

Re: Poison Oak warning

mellowguy1220April 21, 2012 07:25PM

Re: Poison Oak warning

Wizard1291April 22, 2012 03:11PM

Re: Poison Oak warning

Mr_Wayne1106May 24, 2012 06:38AM

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