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June 02, 2011 11:45PM
Hey mr jobe, i cashed in those tax chips after that nasty wreck I wuz in at 3:45 am on my way into work. Little did I know I was to become the 3am emergency case. Im getting quite familiar with the eastern Mojave. Have you been up Caruthers canyon? I highly reccomend it. It's just a little south of the Clark Mtns in the Mid Hills. Pinyon pines, granite boulder formations and an old wagon road built by the Chinese in the 1800s.Therez a way cool campsite with a stone picnic table and fireplace. Lots of dirt road 2 get there.Go check it out! It'z north of the ol hole in the wall.

Injured Hiker Rescued In Difficult, Extended Operation

Rick2178May 31, 2011 01:05PM

Re: Injured Hiker Rescued In Difficult, Extended Operation

jobe1050May 31, 2011 01:46PM

Re: Injured Hiker Rescued In Difficult, Extended Operation

Mr_Wayne1150June 01, 2011 06:28AM

Re: Injured Hiker Rescued In Difficult, Extended Operation

LaughingBear975June 02, 2011 11:45PM

Re: Injured Hiker Rescued In Difficult, Extended Operation

jobe990June 03, 2011 05:53AM

Re: Injured Hiker Rescued In Difficult, Extended Operation

jobe1503June 05, 2011 06:19PM

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