Ok that was fun. I had a really great day at the springs. I think our experiment worked, at least for the first 1/2 of the day. I was at the springs by 9 am, and -- while I hiked down with a group of 7 young-ins all textilian --, during the morning hours, Paul P., I would say the ration was 60-40, nude to textilian. Maybe around noon there were 20-25 people? And it was mellow: at around 11:30, I had 45 minutes to myself in the Womb pool, on a Saturday, if that tells you anything. Great to see lots of forum folks there as always, and to meet some of you for the first time. After around 2 pm, the textilians took over: loads of teenagers in board shorts arrived, but they were having fun and harmless; and loads of hikers off the PCT arrived, and strangely they were all clothing compulsive. As they wandered off after 4 or 4:30, the springs reverted to the earlier dynamic a little; I left around 5. Windy at times today, but blissful weather; not too hot and lots of blue sky. Creek is still pretty cold, but swam in it after the day warmed up, quite a bit. Road to Bowen is much improved since March. Highlight of my day was a huddle with one of Wizard's dogs. Cool dogs.