AAA+++ Report Ron and Wizard , Very good attention to detail Ron . Wizard was not Ranger Brad meaning they want to smooth out JF 3. So people like Ron can drive to the trailhead easier , in their low clearance cars ? It seems to me that this is the case. I mean , would not earasing a trail would create environmental damage? Also it seems it would make it easier for motorcycles to run down there. As 4 time schedules Iam working 10 hrs. x 6 w/Sundays off, also spending 10-15 hrs. per week studying for contractors licenses. And getting ready 4 my 17 year old sons graduation. So the ONLY time I'll have off is 5 pm May,26. the day before memorial day. Ron I would like to nominate you 4 secratary-treasure. What do ya'll think of this 4 a name DEEP CREEK PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION ? Or D.C.P.A. or DICKPAW. (just kidding) Is not this what we all are trying to do? Aren't we an association attempting to preserve Deep Creek ? Wizard haven't I heard your munchkins call you pa ? So you are a DCpa already. And aren't we all trying to father in this place 4 our children ? Of course we are. As 4 meeting all of ya'll I already know all of you if not by name by site.And Ranger Brad knows me by site.Viejo Bill I probably have seen you. If not from the springs in a 5 or 10K. Is not it nice to have this phorum to relax with? ALSO AAA+++ reply Katrina.And thanx 4 every thing.