Jcrew, who lives in the village said the police came into the village showing his picture looking for him. They wanted to know if he was living in the village. Jcrew cooperated fully and attempted to help them find him at the springs.
Since then he has tried to get the police to remove him. Only to be told he is a low priority.
The beautiful woman whom Jcrew and I rescued off the side of the cliff said Scotty told her he was 30 something and messing around with a girl who was 16 who lied and said she was 18, likely story. But, I ain't buying it !
Does not matter any way ,,, any one who lives at the springs and litters like him needs to go. If he needs help with that I am there.
What amazes me is me and DCVIP agree, again !
Glad 2 help !