Its obvious that people want to help out in what way they can. Each person must decide what they can, and are willing to do. I think also just because many of the visitors will obviously choose to enjoy the springs and not become involved with our possible future efforts, that this should be excepted and not looked down on as long as they leave things as they found them. The general public has no obliation to do the things we might propose here because of our special interest. I guess the forum here would be the easiest meeting place in regards to planning things to do to help. Getting people together in person would be a difficult prospect being that many live far away and timeschedules often conflict. Perhaps a list of possibilities of ways to help could be created then if enough positive response is shown for one of the items then action can proceed with a planned effort coordinated through this forum. Of course these would be things that did not conflict with the Forestry Departments interest or rules. People will need a simple and easy meeting point to plan these things, whatever might be suggested as a way to help.