I did not "carefully side step [your] question." I deliberately ignored it. My personal life is none of your business. I do not know outlawHEART at all. I do know Sungirl2 (of recent acquaintance) and I have never said otherwise. She is a married female person, unrelated to me. She wrote all of her own posts. There is such a thing as emails. There is such a thing as neighbors. There is also such a thing as women not wanting male-dominated forums like this to have their personal IP address. That is all you need to know and all I am going to tell you.
Moreover, the three of us could be siamese triplets, but who we are is utterly irrelevant to the views and points we have expressed. It is those views and points that are at issue (and which, as I say, stand or fall on their own merits), not the personhood of the people expressing them.
The ad hominum attacks in accusing us of inhabiting the same body have been both evasive of the points at hand as well as dead wrong. Apologies to us have been well warranted for a while now. False accusations, based on errant assumptions, are a pretty bad thing.
But it appears we will not hear that embarrassed apology which all three of us deserve.
So be it. I am not interested in carrying this fruitless dialogue further, except to reiterate my offer/request that greater civility be brought to this forum. There has been hatefulness injected into several of the threads in this forum for at least a year or two, unlike, for example, the far more cordial tone at soakersforum. That should be an example for us, since the public face of a beautiful natural hot spring should not be so marred by such hostile invective.
But I probably will not persuade anyone here who is uncivil to start being civil; I can, however, attempt to be civil myself and refuse to be baited into the toxic craziness.
Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2010 09:03AM by mellowguy.