Once again Mellowguy you oh so carefully side-stepped my question " ... why did you claim that you did not know Sungirl2 ( your old Strawman debate team partner ), when you both were posting from the same residence? ". No one here has attacked female posters for any post about any women being affected by uncouth DCHS visitors, once again, if you think so, show me the post where this occurred. But of course like everytime I ask you to show me the proof of what you say by citing the post where this occurred, you just ignore the question. I never spoke to Dudenate's snakeguy accusations but along with him clearly trying to shine an ill light on an innocent person ( wrong and immoral ), I really don't buy his saying that " i caught him with his camera between my friends legs ". I mean I've seen some screwed up stuff at DCHS in my 26 years of visiting that place but I really doubt anybody was literally between a girls legs taking pictures. I personally think Dudenate has exagerated that detail, by how much I would not bother to guess. You came here with your bit about the Japanese Onsen Baths and asked for opinions about your idea of courtesy, and when people here expressed their view and did not agree with you, you then went on your campaign to attempt to paint us all as dis-courteous and pervert lovers. You are the one with ridiculous arguments within which you get things wrong, over and over. I spoke to Dudenates false accusations against an innocent person, and of course you have nothing to say about that. I also spoke to the inconstistencies in what Outlawheart wrote. Go ahead and amuse me Mellowguy, pick out any part of the content of my one paragraph response ( not the second response where I was joking about the strawman ) to Outlawheart and explain to me how any sentence comprimises an " attack " on OutlawHeart. And regarding this you wrote " And no, I have never posted in this forum under the handle Happysoaker ", no one here has said that and once again if you think someone did, show us the post where it occurred. The way I see it, you are the one consistently trying to paint those of us here who disagree with you in a bad light for things we never said, for qualities that are not part of who we are. You wrote " But what I have posted are merely my views, and I have every right to express them ". Well we have our own views too, and an equal right to express them.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2010 11:02PM by Wizard.