The Orange County Tollroad is a publically owned tollroad operated by a private company. This is a legal tollroad.
The Bowen Ranch Road is a private tollroad operated by a private individual. This is not a legal tollroad. Because you pay a fee and then drive across the Bowen Ranch land to park upon someone else's land this is a tollroad.
People have been confused about these issues stating that they are parking on Mike Castro's land. I think people are interested in the land boundaries and the legality of the tollroad operation.
I will post a map later concerning the boundary lines.
People have been asking me if I would be willing to meet with the Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service and Mike Castro concerning these issues.
I have been meeting with the Bureau of Land Management recently where these issues were somewhat discussed. I attended a Forest Service meeting last year and spoke to Allison Stewart who was then in charge of USFS law enforcement for the Deep Creek area.
As far as having meetings with these agencies
with Mike Castro in attendance, I fully believe that Mike Castro is a violent criminal. I believe that he was directly involved in an attempted murder at El Mirage Lake. Do you think it is reasonable to meet and confer with a violent criminal?
And I believe that certain employees of these agencies have obstructed justice with regard to these issues. Because these agencies have received my evidence packages which include Sheriff's reports, BLM incident reports, District Attorney interviews, court documents, signed declarations from the victims. These agencies never contacted any of the other victims to verify any of the information.
Somehow they were able to justify ignoring the overwhelming evidence with statements that the witnesses are not credible, have an agenda or vendetta, and have concocted these stories.
Because these events did occur and I have vertified them through documentation and through speaking to the victims, I am determined to seek justice. I am also concerned about this violent person affecting access to public lands and possibly harming more people.
The county supervisor and his field representative are assisting me and conducting their own investigation. Several victims of Mike Castro's violence have come forward and given testimony to the supervisor's office.
I realize that this situation between DCHS, Inc. and Mike Castro is of great concern to the people who enjoy the hotsprings. The people are the innocent victims of this situation. However, I envision that Mike Castro will not be residing in the area in the future.