Of course not and why should I ? I can pick my nose with my tongue but I prefer not to because that is just gross. It is just one more tool God gave me to show my contempt for power hungry bureaucrats.
This is why the present generations have contempt for the rule of law. There are too many of them and to many of them are unknowable. Making most law abiding citizens criminals or at least over taxed.
Back in the 70's congress gave authority to the park services to make and enforce rules made by them. They did this when most citizens were concerned with the Vietnam war.
This is government by the bureaucrats for the bureaucrats. Of course, they cite the good of the people as their justification. But, actually it is power over the freedom lovers. Like nudist on San Onofre (oh no not free) beach. Not free because of power hungry bureacrats, power given by congress.
Internet exaggeration factor, that is a new one for me Rick !