I recently took a copy of the excellent Peak Oil DVD " A Crude Awakening " over to the Apple Valley City Hall. They passed it along to their Information person or something like that. I called her to explain briefly the details, and the importance of the information on the DVD, and why it is something of the utmost importance for them to be aware of. My discussion with her told me that she really didn't have any real inkling of the gravity of what Peak Oil will mean, for her as a person, and for all of the cities and communities of the US. She asked me how long the DVD was and I told her it was about an hour and a half. I then asked her if she was going to watch it, and she said it would be problematic for her to find " that kind of time " to view the DVD. However, the City Of Apple Valley people have all the time in the world to plan a new developement of 3,100 homes out in the desert area of Fairview Valley ( northeastern Apple Valley ), where there are currently no paved roads, no water or septic lines etc. Its clear these people pushing big projects like that are expecting a turn-a-round in the economy like what we have experienced in cycles of recent decades. But with whats going on now with imminent and irreversably declining energy supplies, a turn-a-round is likely to turn out to be wishful thinking on a grand scale. Its like this all over the country, the Lemmings of the endless growth ( equals progress ) paradigm keep running headlong towards the cliffs, with no time to consider information that is screaming at them loudly that they should stop what they are doing. Stuff like building 3,100 suburban sprawl home developments in the middle of the desert. With the worldwide meltdown currently in progress, I'd bet they never break ground, but they will wast alot of time and resources for early advance stage planning. More wasted time and energy in a nation that just doesn't get the magnitude of the predicament we are facing regarding energy, water, food, population, etc, etc.