These Daze And Times
From Lonewolf:
The 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse (in not particular order) are:
climate (> food production)
energy (> food production, processing and distribution)
ecology (> food production, life support)
population (e.g. food and energy per capita) - in fact, excessive
population is the cause of everything that now is and/or soon will be)
Climate (selected observations)
coal (et al) use up, esp. China and US - CO2 emissions way up (only
way to interrupt reaching 450+ ppm is a fast/hard crash)
jet streams /weather patterns shifting globally
polar ice vanishing (albedo effects rise) - feedback loop engaged/
multiple thresholds breached
land/mountain glaciers vanishing (human and ecologic water deficits
Greenland melt off accelerating rapidly - exponentially so
Antarctic ice shelves disintegrating (and onshore glaciers speed up)
methane hydrate release from sea-floor escalating - looming “methane
methane release of tundra-based carbon loads - massive global
‘warming’ (climate chaos)
deforestation rampant/escalating
acidified oceans killing marine ecosystems
sea level rise in process - perhaps MANY meters in near future,
flooding 1/3 of humanity (inundating the remainder)
Global potable water deficit/depletion/destruction ( aka chaos)
Energy (selected observations)
peak oil happened in 2005 - price doubles in past year (food also) -
AKA “Peak Was”
No ‘meaningful’ new hydrocarbon resources being found/developed (and
shouldn’t be if they were found- IMO)
no ’serious’ alternative E sources - all nonviable and/or not
remotely possible - e.g. wind E is a overt fraud/lie, ntm Hydrogen Hoax
plant fertilizers limits exceeded (source resources and extraction/
production/application energy)
metal (resource) limits exceeded (Cu, Pb, Pl, Pt, Zn, Ni, Co, etc
“American ‘way-of-life’ is non-negotiable” is ‘plain’ fact - hence
permanent global resource wars - aka Armageddon ASAP
AKA Peak Everything Happened - aka Was - including you, me, and
99.9999% of ‘humanity’
widespread prolonged droughts (globally chronic water and food
cumulative and escalating pollution of atmosphere, land, freshwater
and oceans
mass extinctions ongoing and accelerating (several species per
minute) - progressive collapse of life-sustaining ecosystems
massive soil erosion/degradation (notably asia, central europe,
north america, oceania)
massive desertification (esp. africa and central/east asia)
massive forrest (tree) deaths (insects and disease and pollution and
consumption, and drought and clearing for biofuel crops)
Massive ongoing bee die-off
Massive ongoing bat- die-off (’and who knows what else)
Massive amphibian extinctions (perhaps the entire Kingdom)
Disease migration and mutations (hundreds if not thousands)
Humans are stupid, ignorant, arrogant, greedy, scary, dangerous
buffoons (can/will NOT act rationally - guaranteed)
Humans have not evolved one iota since we lived in trees and caves -
actually be devolved into mass-extinction machines
carrying capacity exceed at least a century ago - perhaps a millennium
current human load is several orders of magnitude to high (99 out of
100 alive ‘need’ die-off - and will)
much of world pop. is already malnourished (2007) either of
insufficient calories or excess crap.
vast majority couldn’t produce food even if they had all the
resources to do so (which is impossible anyway)
vast majority live in regions already (if not long ago) devastated
by human activity (aka stupidity)
NTM the so-called Economy (now headed for the cesspool as the handle
has already been pulled and the turds swirl around the bowl)