Thanks again for your sincere apology Allen. I hear that the BLM is still working on putting together another OHV volunteer team to help educate the problematic riders in our area. Hopefully, volunteer efforts by concerned riders will help resolve some of the issues in this area.
The Juniper Flats / Deep Creek lands are designated multiple use and local property owners welcome responsible OHV users who ride the designated trails and respect our private lands.
The recent actions of Dan Clark and Dan O'Brien who used the Board of Supervisors meeting as an opppertunity to surveil and retaliate against supporters of Ord 3973 have only strengthened the resolve of local residents here to protect our properties. Fortunatly, extremists like these two do not represent the OHV user group as a whole.
We know that the vast majority of OHV users are out to enjoy the day and take in some great scenery. The majority will be respectful of route designations if given the oppertunity and education. PEER pressure goes a long way and we support the BLM in it's efforts to educate riders with another OHV volunteer group. Hopefully, concerned riders will step forward to help preserve this OHV recreational oppertunity.