In looking at the very serious situation we face regarding the looming peak, then quick decline of worldwide hydrocarbon energy supplies, the question certainly presents itself, what alternative energy forms can realistically be developed to match the rates of decline that are projected for hydrocarbon energy. When it comes to the realities of the grand worldwide scale of what we use of oil, natural gas, etc, and in reference to just how critically important these energy forms are to the continuance of our current economic structure, I think from all indications, all the various alternatives combined, will come up woefully short when it comes to plugging the holes in the dike of what we will be seeing once we hit the downslope of world hydrocarbon production, the post peak world. Our government should be preparing for this ominious situation, should be bringing to the public's attention just how critically serious the senario is that we face. But most of our government people are basically unaware of the reality of just what repercussions Peak Oil and Peak Gas will bring. Many will give up, many will die, but I for one will do my best to find what solutions I can, to cope with these changes that seem imminent. I of course don't have a crystal ball, so I accept that things may happen that will mitigate of forstall the dire trends that appear imminent. But given the nature of man, and the trend lines of the various problems, the future may very well see these highly important issues going in increasingly dire directions.