A microbiologist friend of mine said don't discount the possibility of chiggers. I desribed Wizard's symptoms and he indicated that chiggers are a distinct possibility.
You can check out whether an area is infested with chiggers by using a simple technique. Six-inch squares of black paper placed vertically in the grass will become covered with chiggers if they are present. Because several hours elaps before chiggers settle down to bite, bathing soon after exposure to chigger-infested areas may wash chiggers off your body and prevent feeding.
Clothing also should be washed to prevent reinfestation.
The most suitable breeding areas of chigger mites are among weeds and thick vegetation are where there is an abundance of moisture and shade. Good weedcontrol with herbicides or mowing and elimination of excess shade will help reduce the number of chiggers in an area. Around homes, close cutting of lawns will
prevent favorable breeding sites and reduce populations.