World War W
............Elsewhere, the Bush-Cheney White House and Donald Rumsfeld’s Pentagon have ordered a broadening of US military operations in the Middle East. Led by the Nimitz class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, USS Eisenhower, a strike force bristling with Tomahawk missiles is headed to the Persian Gulf to take up a position to launch an aerial “shock and awe” campaign against Iran. The Prepare To Deploy Orders (PTDO) issued to the USS Eisenhower led Time magazine to call public attention to American moves in apparent preparation for imminent war with Iran. The USS Eisenhower is scheduled to arrive in the Persian Gulf on the 21st of October, just slightly over two weeks before the ominous midterm elections on the 7th of November.
Over the past two years, America and the global community have been bombarded with reports of the White House and Pentagon’s detailed military planning to wage war against Iran. With the time clock ticking, and Bush’s presidency on the wane, the window of opportunity to launch the next phase of the Project for a New American Century’s (PNAC) schemes of global conquest to deliver ongoing US control of world oil reserves is swiftly drawing to its close.
George W. Bush’s presidency is deeply unpopular in America, and it is DISASTROUSLY UNPOPULAR throughout the rest of the world. Faced with the probability that Bush will lose power through the midterm elections, the Republicans have been grasping at straws in pursuit of their neoconservative vision of a muscular and aggressive America on a permanent war footing in hot pursuit of the dreams of full-blooded military glory of PNAC.....................
...............On the global stage, the increasingly ominous scenario unfolding against a backdrop of the US war in Iraq is dark and getting darker. Not only is America moving much more military hardware into the theatre, a constellation of its allies in NATO are moving heavy hardware into the Eastern Mediterranean where they will be in position to cheque any potential retaliation by Syria or Hizbullah against Israel in the wake of a US assault on Iran.
The repercussions of a US attack on Iran could well be dire – especially for Israel and Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. There have been reports in the international media of tens of thousands of suicide bombers awaiting the order from Iran to launch themselves against targets in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel, America, the United Kingdom and other allied targets – if Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld give the orders to launch “pre-emptive” war against Iran.
Some of the world’s leading military experts now believe that a unilateral US strike against Iran could broaden America’s wars in the Middle East to engulf the oil-rich regions of Central Asia. Kazakhstan and Russia are now in possession of massive reserves of untapped oil. The enlargement of NATO that began in the 1990s has led to a new system of counter-balancing alliances in Central Asia involving Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgztan in a new organization called the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). Recently, CSTO conducted joint military exercises at the same time that Iran staged the largest war games in her history. These collateral military operations between CSTO and Iran were stage-setting defensive manoeuvres in advance of the anticipated American attack against Iran so stridently threatened by the Bush-Cheney White House and their minions led by Condoleezza Rice in Foggy Bottom and Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon.
Last week, Condoleezza Rice visited the Middle East. In advance of her trip, the reports were to the effect that she would experience an icy reception, but there was vanishingly little coverage of the outcome of her mission in the western media. However, in the Middle East, there was ample coverage. We learn from reports from Cairo that Rice was greeted politely, but when she launched into her usual harangue about American fears of nuclear technology in Iran she met with a wall of cold, hard logic. A stream of Middle Eastern diplomats delivered a calm, cool and lucid concatenation of criticism of provocative US policy in the region. Rice learned, perhaps, for the first time in her life - that American policy for the Middle East should not be predicated on bogus fears about Iran and Iraq but on Israel and its persistent historical denial of human rights to the Palestinians, a travesty of justice that is now entering its seventh decade..................
................An ark of darkness is moving swiftly across American history. Not only has America undertaken to: provoke nuclear war with Russia; wage expansionist wars in the Middle East; precipitate the proliferation of nuclear weapons in North Korea; encourage wars between Israel and its neighbouring territories and conduct its foreign policy through the constant and obsessive resort to belligerent military confrontations instead of diplomacy – the Bush-Cheney White House is also attempting to implement a dynastic succession designed to perpetuate its imperialistic wars for generations to come...............
..........World War W – a grand military scheme to dominate the world’s largest land mass and some of the most oil-rich regions of the planet as we enter decades of waning oil production.............
..........Given the chain of bad, bogus and downright ridiculous decisions flowing from the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rice administration and speaking entirely for myself, I have no confidence in their ability to govern America – much less to design, launch and wage World War W...........