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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (73% of Full)



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July 30, 2006 12:26PM

Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50 (a) and (b) each of the following acts are prohibited on the identified areas under my jurisdiction:

1. Camping for a period longer than 14 days in one place in the general Forest area, not to exceed 30 days on one Ranger District during a calendar year, unless authorized by the District Ranger by written permit. 261.58(a).

2. Camping within 1/4 mile of State Highways, designated campgrounds, picnic grounds, improvements, trailheads and private property. 261.58(e).

3. Camping, picketing stock, burying human waste, building, maintaining and attending fires within 200 feet of any stream, spring or meadow. 261.58(e) 261.52 (a) & (g).

4. Not having a shovel or hand trowel in possession for clearing camp and stove fires and for burying human waste. 261.52(g).

5. Being on National Forest land in the pursuit of hang gliding except for in areas authorized for such use. 261.54(a).

6. Being upon the Lost Lake Complex between sunset and sunrise. 261.58(1) .

7. Camping on National Forest lands within one mile of each side of Deep Creek from the National Forest boundary southeasterly to the headwaters near Snow Valley. 261.58(e).

8. Camping on National Forest lands within one mile of the following creeks: 261.58(e)

a. Coxey Creek from Deep Creek through Coxey Meadows.

b. Little Bear Creek from Deep Creek westerly for two miles.

c. Kinley Creek from Deep Creek to State Highway 173.

d. Deep Creek from Lion Canyon to State Highways 18.

9. Possession of glass containers on National Forest land as described in #7 & #8. 261.58 (d) .

10.Being in the area after sundown or before sunrise as described in #7 & #8 except for travel on roads. 261.58(1).

11.Bulding, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire or stove fire. as described in #7 & #8. 261.52(a).

12.Being publicly nude within 1/4 mile of T-6 crossing of Deep Creek. 261.58(j) .

13.Being on National Forest Lands in the Middle Fork drainage of Lytle Creek or on Forest Road 2N58 Middle Fork Road between sunset and sunrise. 261.54(e) .

14.Being on Forest Road 2N58. 261.54(e).

15.Entering or using any dispersed area in violation of County School or curfew regulations. 261.58(b).

Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50 (e), each of the following persons is exempt from this order:

1. Any Federal, State or Local Officer, or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty.

2. person(s) with authorization or a permit.

These prohibitions are in addition to the general prohibitions in 36 CFR, Part 261.

Done at San Bernardino, California, this 22nd day of July 1996.

Gene Zimmerman
Forest Supervisor

Violation of these prohibition is punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000 or 6 months imprisonment or both. See 16 USC 551.


Rick 1961July 30, 2006 12:26PM

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