Global Climate Change Is Happening Now
.........The most disturbing report on that phenomenon was published recently in Science. But like so many reports, it seems to deal with events so far away and so arcane that it's easy to look the other way. Yet the consequences will land on everybody's doorstep.
Here's the bottom line of that report: The permafrost that blankets northern Siberia is thawing.
Wow, you say, Siberia. So far away.
But here's the statement that needs to be printed on every politician's forehead.
That permafrost contains 75 times more carbon than is released by burning fossil fuel around the entire planet for an entire year. That number is worth repeating. More carbon than all our cars and factories will release in 75 years.
The scientists who wrote the report, all of whom are at the University of Florida, called that a "potent, likely unstoppable contributor to global climate change if it continues to thaw." And, by the way, that's not much of an if............
Just one, of the points of " no return ", that will affect our lives in dire ways, if we don't change the way we live, and soon.