Gee Wiz,
You make it sound like I missed a golden opportunity to change the world the other day. As my job was shut down, I was chosen by my boss's boss to put all of our dangerous equipment away so George W. could visit. It was an erie feeling to be where 1000 construction workers just left w/pay. The guys at work wanted to see his daughters instead of him. The secret service watched me intensely. One of their questions was "did I vote in the last presidential election?" My answer was "well of course." Another question was "where was I when J.F.K. was assasinated and how did I feel about it." I explained that my mother and I used to stand on street corners and hand out literature encouraging people to vote for him. So when he was shot, I cried for days. Would we be better off with Chainy at the wheel? I do not think so. Besides any one who knows me knows, I am a lover, not a killer. I think the mafioso looking secret service guys sensed this too!
You should ask yourself? Why have we NOT increased our capacity to refine oil? It is because "they"(producers) want gas prices to go up.