Lowest ever, at 32 percent this eveing on CNN's latest poll. Bush is a menace to the world, and to the US, because of his policies and actions. Everytime he speaks, its non stop hypocrisy. Maybe he doesn't realize, that all the bad guys he talks about, and the bad stuff they do, is just himself he see's in the mirror. How the one remaining super power in the world, gets stuck with this guy as its leader, is really mind boggleing, and telling. What sensible society would tolerate even this long, the havoc he has wreaked, for the American economy, and for our position on the world scene. When he's gone from office, will anyone better, more responsible, more ethical, take his place? If we had more choices, maybe, but as it is, our political system does not inspire confidence that the next president, or even a new administration, will be capable of utterly transforming the way America does things, in response to the dire challeges this country will be it facing. And the big problem is, time is running out, real quick, and the " turtle like " pace, that our government is used to doing things, won't fit the bill for what coming.