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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (95% of Full)


Skeptics and free-thinkers welcome

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December 12, 2005 12:03PM
In Wizard's thread regarding challenges being presented consequent to natural resource depletion, I suggested the Urantia Book as a resource that would help put our current world situation in perspective. (Current world-wide demand of this book has expanded its availability to most languages.)

The following entry in the Skeptics Dictionary points out that there were many dedicated readers in the world of Rock & Roll including Elvis, Jerry Garcia, Moody Blues, Spirit, and Janis Joplin. The study group I attended was held in Malibu at the home of a retired Marine Corps Adjutant General and Professor of Law at Pepperdine:


05 Jan 1999
You have a wonderful site, I've enjoyed browsing and agree with you about 95% of the time.
I was a born skeptic...early on in the small group who argued the implausibility of the Bible in classroom discussions. In college, I found many more free-thinkers. But 25 years ago I felt I had to prove the Urantia Book was bogus because someone close to me, who is quite bright, said it was true, and I just knew it couldn't be....all religions were actually very similar and crutches for illogically minded people.
Two years, and a ton of reading & research later....I realized it was true, and that the reason all religions had so much in common is that they have common evolutionary roots. The differences are in the dogma...and some of the dogma is pretty crappy. This book, however, is PACKED with logical science, history, and soul-satisfying inspiration. No conflict here with evolution. At least read Paper 100 and the last paper.
I've met over 500 people who are involved with this book, including Norman Lear (Jewish), Buffy St. Marie (Native American), many clergy people (typically liberal traditions, but including Baptists and Catholics), dozens of teachers (I teach math right here is Sacramento!)...Mo Segal (of Celestial Seasoning's Tea...see the connection?), and a whopping percentage of scientists and computer people. Of course, there is the wacko group in Sedona...anything like this will attract egoists. Many more of the big names in Rock & Roll than you might realize are/were dedicated readers including Elvis, Jerry Garcia, Moody Blues, Spirit, Janis Joplin, and many others. Jackie Gleason was really into this book.
Over 350,000 books have been sold since 1955. I know over a dozen people who knew Sadler; he was not a fake, nor a liar. His experiences were unimaginable, but there is no reason at all for him to make this stuff up. Financially, it was far better off not being involved. Harold Sherman, on the other hand was very unstable. He is the one passing of lies and the only reason Gardner believes his stories is that it supports his skeptical arguments. Sherman was one in favor of all kinds of traditional channeling and nonsense. Martin G. did not read the UB through, it is very clear from his sloppy analysis. He did do some good research, but there are many web-references with good critiques of his work. I am close friends with many of the people he refers to and he has got his facts wrong at least as often as he got them right.
Do your own analysis of the Urantia Papers, I challenge you, as I did, by reading them and comparing them with scientific, historical, and other research.
You'll find a gem like no other.
I've been a reader for 25 years...half my life.
No need to respond....just FYI.
Claudia Ayers

Skeptics and free-thinkers welcome

mojavegreen 1923December 12, 2005 12:03PM

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