Without memory, we would not be able to recall the patterns of life. And without patterns, there would be no sense to anything. The sun rises and falls every day, grass is green, fire is hot, etc. Interesting that the peoples of this earth, describe " Truth ", as being so many contradictory things. Individuals perceive thier surroundings, judge its content, and come up with such diverse conclusions. What does it really mean, " To Know "? It is a word, contrived by man. Religion Knows, Science Knows, but in the end, its how you define, and justify, your base, " Of Knowledge ". Do any of you, really think, the people of this earth, will come to agreement on, one specific truth? They are after all, looking, each one of them, and me, through differant lenses, perspectives, memories, patterns. When I quantify, what the memories and patterns of my life mean, I see them as the language of, " Probabilities ". In this universe that surrounds us, of unknown size and content, is any person really capable of " Knowing ", what it all means? Interesting also, to see how individuals, feel very comfortable, speaking in finite terms, about what can only be described as an " Infinity Of Possibilities " regarding our perceptions of life. TRUTH, the " Real " meaning of things as folks would " Imagine ", should be the framework of our existance, the driving force that defines how we conduct ourselves in this thing, we call, " Life ", and also could be, very much so, just a figment of the perceptions and memories, of those currently " living ". Freewill, is another " Truth " humanity thrives on, and depends on, for its descriptions of " What Is ". But Probability suggest, this may not be " True ", and the realization is in that case, there is no " Self ", without free will, and therefore we are just one more cog, in the " Wheel of Time ". So as we exist in our form, there will be these questions, before, and beyond, " Our Imagined Selves ".