Things are just getting more crazy, every day. There is this guy, I think in Australia, that actually got a patent, on 95% of the DNA, in ALL lifeforms! Now, he is going around many countries, with the backing of all the lawyer power he needs, made possible by huge insurance policies he took out, and he is threatening to take legal action, against all sorts of research entities, unless, they pay him a licensing fee, for the research done on " HIS " patented product, which was for many years referred to as, " Junk DNA ", because its purpose was not known at that time, it was thought to be useless. I seen this guy in a documentary, and let me tell ya, he's got the heart of a shark! Also, more and more of the food products we eat, are being patented, owned, by huge corporations, who are now already using these Genetically Modified Foods as leverage, to bend various people, and populations to thier will. The threat, you won't get the seed to grow your food, unless you do what we want you to. And, don't try and use last years extra seed, or we will sue you. We have " New Improved " seed for this year, that you must buy, at ever increasing prices. Also, privatization of water is happening at a rapid pace, all around the globe. More and more, big corportate entities will own the water supply, for much of the people on the planet. These Multi Nationals see that your pretty thirsty, and thier message to you will be, " If you want some clean water, its gonna cost ya plenty, because its " OURS "! Sign of the times my friends, and expect more of the same nutiness to come.