Laughing Bear,
You do not need a HR bill #, You need only left click on the view the bill about 2/3 of the way down the page. Next to the red adobe sign.
This bill, after careful study, is very upsetting to me.
This bill will make the Dept. of the Interior Secretary have control over more money than God. It makes the secratary the administrator over those funds. It will give her the athority to give scolarships in fields to her choseing. It could enable Mike Casro to have the abilty to buy Deep Creek Hot springs. It would encourage OHV ers the ability to buy and maintain roads all over or heritage, the public lands.
NO ! NO! NO! Please do not allow all of this power go into one persons hands. Absolute power CORRUPTS absolutely.
If this bill passes the Secratary of the Interior will not have time to do her REAL job. Which should be to protect the land, not sell it of to the rich.
This proposal would establish a religion inside the government. With the secratary as a Godhead. Wih her own board of 16 assistants to dispose of the money generatated, to see fit as they choose.
NO! NO! NO! This proposed bill exposes the evil and absolutly CORRUPT nature of this Republican administration. First to suspend the bill of rights in the name of fighting terrorism, then to sell off our national heritage is UN - AMERICAN.
This preposed bill would reverse 200 years of progress in enviromentalism.
This preposed bill would allow off - roaders to tear up the public lands as they see fit. Reversing the local governments efferts to restrict such damaging and annoying habits by them. It would allow trail proliferation on a massive scale. If they sell all of that land then you must allow them to build roads for access.
If this preposed bill passes, I see dark days head for my children and grand children. And anyone who wants to keep deep creek hot spring FREE !