Funny you should mention this concept MG, my brother ( very much and activist ) and I were discussing the concepts of " major climate shifts " just a few minutes ago. There is evidence, that these dramatic shifts in climate have occurred in even less time than 10 years, substanially less given the right circumstances. The atlantic conveyer, the biggest moderator of Earths climate, is run by a tenous balance of saline content in these currents, which causes it to flow, taking the heat from the tropics north to the poles, and the cold from there back to the hotter regions of the planet. It has shut down many times before, causing ice age conditions. This current is now showing a dramitic decrease in salinity, due to the introduction of fresh water into the oceans, from the melting poles and glaciers, and the increased river output due to a warming climate. Exact time tables are very difficult to pin down as to what will happen, but take this excerpt from an article on global warming I just read as an example of what some top scientist suggest, " Among the dire consequences sketched out were surging seas breaking down levees in the Netherlands in 2007, making the Hague unliveable, and Europes Climate becoming more like Siberia's by 2020. They saw possible Mega-droughts in southern China and northern Europe ". The reality of Major Climate shift will at some point, offer up dire consequences for our survival as a species. Oil and water scarcity will create huge problems, and, Major climate shift, is another factor, along with a long list of others, that will, when all combined, take us into extremely difficult times, for humanity world wide. The current administration are representatives of Big Oil, and Big Money, and they will implement policies, that are not adverse to thier bottom line, or in a vast many cases, helpful to the aims of these controlling entities. They will continue to reject the Kyoto treaty, because its " bad for business ". They will squeeze every last drop of profit from the oil machine, even if all the evidence is showing, the house of cards is about to fall. If anyone doubts that Oil will be running out, just look to how it is now driving the actions of the US administration. They have, under various false precepts, created a ring of miltary installations, around the quite small area in the middle east, where in a short time span, perhaps a decade, all the realistically remaining reserves of oil will be left, after production, fizzles out in the other countries. The administration is positioning itself, with military force, to be in a control position, with regards to our having access to this pivitol resource for the US, in its interest of continueing dominance of the world scene. The motives of profit, power, and controll will drive these people, leaders, captains of industry, to achieve thier less than moral ends, by means that do not correlate, with truth, honesty, and integrity. When you look back on history, and all great civilizations, they all rose, and fell, brought down by corruption, greed, power concentrated in the few, creating imbalances that could not be sustained, or, by dramatic, environmental and climactic events, so as it goes, and will go, nothing has changed, its par for the course, for humanity.