Exactly, the days of the abundance of oil and water, a mirage that we lived for a time, will see the coming times, of increasing scarcity, with social and economic upheaval to follow. Our affluence as a species, in the last 100 years or so, has been so pervasivily driven by oil, and its countless other spin off benifits. Our cultures are so intertwined with it, supported by it, that when it begins to disappear as a source of energy, it will be like removing the skeleton, from the human form. I put two pages from the book, " Crossing The Rubicon ", at my Wizard's pictures link below, on page 45. One showing the mind boggling oil driven, population increase over the last two thousand years. The other page showing a graph, suggesting that we have past the Peak of world production as a whole, heading in few years towards its inevitable, dramatic, decline. The worlds usable water, as it relates to humans, and thier many needs for it, is heading for a similiar crisis. Our activities on the planet, have created a grossly, unsustainable situation when considered against the finite realities of our tiny island, in the incredible emptiness, vastness, that truly surrounds us. I think the fate of Easter Island and its peoples, provides and excellent lesson, unfortunately, the dynamics of our development as a life form, are pushing us, to that same end.