Your post raises many issues.
First of all only God can make anything sacred. I have been to dchs when it was the oppisite of sacred. I have been to dchs when it was truly sacred. So all of that depends on circumstance, God, and you.
Scott's ancestors are from Scotland. That is why he sometimes wears a celt. His last name is Parker. Just like Spiderman.
We are all born free spirits, it is lifes circumstances that chain us down to bear these crosses, and make us slaves.
Drink some wine, mellow out, and thank God you made it through that police action. And don,t forget to wear your birthday suit on Americas b'day.
I have a celtic friend who hates all things British. I have a Native American friend who hates all things American. I see no differance in them. Do not allow hate to rule you.
Remember - they called Jesus a lot of worse things than - two bit hood.
Scott's real crime was not listening to or respecting the wishes of others.
We can all learn from that.