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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (71% of Full)


Re: Ready for summer?

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May 20, 2005 11:26PM
Looks like I broke a few of those heat advisory rules today :-) I was out for a hike in them thar Hot Desert Hills, gettin a few cottonwood trees ready for this weekends coming heat spell. I was moving through the Lost Valley around 1PM, dang it was hot, pack on my back, two cottonwoods with dirt in one hand, and three screens to protect them in the other hand, it was strenuous, broken rule #1! About that time I was longing for a big glass of ice water. I had my usual coffee in the morning, and a bit of Chardonay by the time I reached Helios with the trees, broken rule #2 and #3 :-) I'm happy to say that my clothes were loose fitting, and they were in my pack, too hot to be wearin, and, I did have on shoes, and a hat :-) The best way " to reduce possible sunburn ", is to find shelter behind huge desert rocks, or in the cover of any desert spring you might run across :-) Well I'm safe and sound, back at my computer " drinking plenty of fluids ", that tall glass of ice water I was dreamin about :-) Page 45 at the Wizard's pictures will show you where I was gettin barbequed today :-) I'm looking forward to hiking down to Deep Creek, now that things are warming up! There will be lots of changes to see, all along the stream, around DCHS and its vicinity :-)

Ready for summer?

Rick 1368May 20, 2005 04:12PM

Re: Ready for summer?

Wizard 1267May 20, 2005 11:26PM

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