The BLM has just opened 152 miles of motorcycle trails in the Juniper sub Region including J1299 despite their stated legal responsibility of protecting riparian and cultural resources. They also cited the closure of the long used Moss Mill Road was due to a 17 year trespass issue.
WEMO sec :Riparian Sites "BLM has the responsibility of protecting the most important riparian sites in Arrastre Canyon,Grapevine Canyon and at several isolated springs. A number of public comments addressed this issue."
Cultural resources :"Vehicle disturbance must also avoid the known archeological sites within the Juniper Flats ACEC. The most significant sites may be associated with the riparian areas, such as Cottonwood Springs. This specific site is fenced to prevent livestock and OHV intrusion."
"The single track route numbered J1299 in the June 2003 decision record for the Western Mojave Desert Off Road Vehicle Designation Project was the subject of many comments on the Draft West Mojave plan EIR/S. BLM has reviewed this route carefully considering the issues of the cultural resources within the ACEC,adjacent private land, forest access and connectivity to other routes. The decision to continue to designate this route as open reflects all facets of the controvercy and need for recreational access. Barstow Field Office staff will monitor the use of this route to insure compliance, i.e. that vehicles are not straying from this designated route."