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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (2% of Full)


Re: Arizona Mike

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July 07, 2003 09:47PM

(If that's your real name...)

I see that this is apparently your "first" post to this forum. And I also see that you seem to have registered with a "bogus" e-mail address. Why would a supposed "first-timer" then jump right into the mix of things and gripe about someone who has actually posted some positive and helpful replies like his recent information given to "camping" at Deep Creek?

Why the beaf? It's an open forum; why and what are you hiding?

I don't really know AZ Mike that well, I gather that like many of us, he can be opinionated. But I do know from input from others here at the forum (who don't always have the same opinion as AZ Mike) that he has probably done more volunteer work in the Deep Creek drainage and at the springs themself, than you and I, "David", will ever do in a lifetime of visiting there.

Now... I'm sure that will give someone else some "ammunition" to fire a volley back at me... or AZ Mike. I'll be sure to wear my iron underware.

It's too bad we couldn't keep with the thread of posting positive things about Deep Creek, and what we can do collectively, as volunteers. Heck, I'll even admit that I still think Katrina's story about the 3 plus 1 moons at Deep Creek is one of the best.

And I'm still waiting to see that picture yawning smiley>

"Arizona Mike"

david 1966July 07, 2003 07:23PM

Re: "Arizona Mike"

Arizona Mike 738July 07, 2003 09:17PM

Re: "Arizona Mike"

Arizona Mike 819July 07, 2003 09:21PM

Re: Arizona Mike

Gary 1287July 07, 2003 09:47PM

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