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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (91% of Full)


Re: Sunday Report

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December 01, 2002 07:42PM

Yes just an opinion and that is all it was and still is. You seem a little agitated over this opinion I voiced and still seem to think it is a suggestion, it is not.

If you prefer to discuss or debate the opinion I voiced, I will be happy to do so.
I do at this time want to bring up and reply to a number of things you said to me in your recent posts on 11/28.
I quote you first and follow with 3 >>>.

The post you made on 11/28/02 is as follows:

As to the side discussion of raising the bottom of the "Womb" with sand and rocks, I agree with AZ Mike that he has valid points, however I don't think he does a fair job of looking at the disadvantages.
>>> I did fair job and will now prove it. Continue to read on.

To start with the the cave he refers to is large enough to accomodate a full size man curled up inside, so I would think that instead of one foot of sand, you would probabbly need two or three.
>>>So!, a cave is a cave or an open void, collecting algae and whatever else sinks to the bottom or whatever we can image collects down there.

Although this cave does have an abundance of algae, there is algae on most of the rocks both below and above the water.
>>>Okay that seems indicate to me, that because the pool is not utilizied at that end of the pool, bodies cannot lean or rub against the wall, which in turn would limit the growth of algae on the wall.

If I understand AZ Mike he would propose to fill it in up to the level of it's natural drainage.
>>>I never said any such thing nor did I hint to it.

This as he points out would allow people to be able to sit or stand all around it. While he points this out as an advatage this would allow for more usage than it already receives and could increase the hygiene concerns.
>>>Hygiene is not a problem for that pool nor any other pool as long as the water coming the main flowing fissure that runs through the Aqueduct and the Anniverary Pool, is in some way not diverted too much. The hygiene issue or problem stems from those who merely have bad habits. Look at the opening post made by Kevin Kim.

As Wizard points out, when volunteers to drain or vacum it sand will be sucked out that we will then need to replace, so it may be a vicious circle.
>>>There's always a little maintenance with any wilderness hot spring. Sand comes into the pools and sand leaves. The flood waters of Deep Creek brings in sand and people shovel it back out, most of it anyway. That so-called vicious circle will continue well after you and I are dead.

The other issue I am concerned with is people jumping in. Many find it easier and safer to jump in from the top than risk slipping on the rocks.
>>>Oh give me break! Use some common sense here Ron. Please explain to me how it is easier and safer to jump into that pool? Over the last 14 years, I've witnessed more people getting hurt jumping into that pool, than by simply walking around the backside of the hot springs and accessing the pool in the right way. Your not using common sense Ron!
Another thing also Ron,..... By those who jump into the pool, not only endanger themselves, but others below them in the pool as well.

No one proposed cement so I won't discuss that option as I feel it is way beyond just preserving the existing pools. Like chlorine, its another no no!
>>>Oh yes it was discussed briefly between Wizard and I. Remember,... I said "rock & sand" and it was somehow brought up that I was saying "rock & cement" and I quickly corrected that issue.

In my opinion the disadvantages are just as great as the advantages, so I am against the idea.
>>>Well it's your opinion and others have opinions as well. The advantages far out weigh the disadvantages, just opposite of yours.

Let's just preserve the springs and the pools as they are today!
>>>That's not the issue here and don't see why it is even mentioned.

Sunday Report

Kevin Kim 1299November 25, 2002 02:00PM

Re: Sunday Report

Wizard 763November 25, 2002 07:58PM

Re: Sunday Report

Sycamore Laughing 762November 26, 2002 02:03PM

Re: Sunday Report

Az. Mike 825November 26, 2002 08:12PM

Re: Sunday Report

Rick 790November 26, 2002 09:24PM

Re: Sunday Report

Wizard 1407November 27, 2002 08:41AM

Re: Sunday Report

Arizona Mike 714November 27, 2002 01:01PM

Re: Sunday Report

katrina island 846November 27, 2002 11:03AM

Re: Sunday Report

Wizard 743November 27, 2002 08:29PM

Re: Sunday Report

Arizona Mike 761November 30, 2002 05:47AM

Re: Sunday Report

Ron 778December 01, 2002 09:26AM

Re: Sunday Report

Az. Mike 1251December 01, 2002 07:42PM

Re: Sunday Report

JamesW 779November 27, 2002 09:11PM

Re: Sunday Report

Wizard 794November 27, 2002 10:03PM

Re: Sunday Report

Ron 747November 28, 2002 02:33AM

Re: Sunday Report

Arizona Mike 924November 30, 2002 06:05AM

Re: Sunday Report

Wizard 783November 28, 2002 09:53AM

Re: Sunday Report

Paul P. 795November 29, 2002 08:31PM

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