" So just to say any bikes out there should stick only to roads and trails made for them. ", they won't. I used to many years ago hike down various canyons to Deep Creek, and back then there were no moto trails in them. Now the northern side of the canyon is criss crossed all over and it is the same throughout that whole area up there. This illegal activity is not controllable. Too few of law enforcement. too many riders.
So what day were you there at the springs? This last Thursday I had a wonderful sandy patio up high in the Fair View Mtns with a magnificent view. The sunshine was bright and warm, the sky so blue and light refreshing breezes. You found trash at DCHS. Sad that people degrade that beautiful place. I found an old, large weathered bone from some creature that I know was not something indigenous to where I was. I have on previous hikes found three others like it in that area, but spread out quite a ways from each other. I am quite convinced though that it comes from a Desert Potomus

When I was preparing to begin my adventure with my faithful companions, Luna and Boo, a mountain bike rider came by quickly. There were moto trails in the flat desert where I start out, but there never have been, nor ever will be where I go

Occasionally I find the left over rubber and string from a crumpled up balloons. A long time ago in a rocky canyon I found a Jato canister ( google it, plane take off assist device ), and later learned that it was from the time of the Korean War era. I got my first helicopter ride with with the police and two bomb specialist to show them were it was. They went up there and actually found a second canister, blowing them both up for safety considerations.
Its almost Christmas and yet there were a few butterflies flitting about. It was just me, Luna, Boo and lots of Ravens. The Ravens have favorite roosting spots nearby in the rocky Crags and are fun to watch playfully flying about

Lots of green things are starting to sprout from the recent storm rains. Came across many water spots in the normally dry creek beds. Near sunset I enjoyed the last rays of Helios shinning from just over snow covered Mt Baldy in the distance. It was another fine day spent in pristine nature

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2018 12:23PM by Wizard.