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Deep Creek Hot Springs

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Devore Fire

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November 05, 2012 02:24PM
The Devore Fire began at 10:55 am on Monday November 5th. It is burning in Cajon Pass along Interstate 15 between the Kenwood and Cleghorn Exits. The size is currently estimated at 350+ acres. The US Forest Service is in unified command with Cal Fire, San Bernardino County Fire, and the San Bernardino Sheriff Deparment. Evacuations have taken place in the Matthew's Ranch Area. Northbound 15 closed at Sierra Ave - Southbound 15 closed at Hwy 138 Northbound 215 closed at Palm/Kendall Exit. Cajon Blvd. (Old Route 66) closed between Kenwood and Cleghorn.

Current Situation:
Size350 acres
Percent Contained5%
Fuels Involvedchaparral
Significant EventsEvacuations are taking place in the Matthew's Ranch area, both sides of Interstate 15 closed - northbound at Sierra Ave. - southbound at Hwy 138, northbound 215 is closed at Palm/Kendall Exit, Cajon Blvd (Old Route 66) is closed between Kenwood and Cleghorn

I-15 is closed due to wildfire

Rick1825November 05, 2012 02:22PM

Devore Fire

Rick1719November 05, 2012 02:24PM

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